jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Soil moisture probe: ¿How to choose?

Year after year, farmers and technicians are more and more aware that irrigation agriculture requires the use of environmental sensors, especially soil moisture probes. What are the criteria when to choose one of those?

First, a point of real importance to choose the tool you will use is the size of the irrigated plot: in a 2-3 ha strawberry plot, or a 20 ha super intensive olive production, the savings you will get with your soil moisture sensor in water, electricity and fertilizers offer you a short term profitability for this investment.

Another aspect to take into consideration is the irrigation automatization: with a full automatized irrigation system, it’s easier to ajust the irrigation schedule and benefit from the probe information. When a computerized system is not available, the use of programmable control valves can be represent a clear improvement in the water management.

Finally, what usually helps us to choose the type of material to use is the associated service that goes with: Some do prefer seeing a technician every week, who comes to check the data and provide information personally. Others will opt for a more autonomous solution, in which data will be available at anytime through internet.

If you contact us, we’ll help you to calculate the benefits you can get thanks to our moisture management tools and services, so that you can opt for the best irrigation strategy.

jueves, 9 de julio de 2009

Welcome to Optiriego!

Dear user,

Optiriego team is pleased to receive you in these virtual space. Feel free to add some comment so to improve this blog, and make more useful.

Sébastien Guéry